Saturday, August 25, 2007

Clubhouse Update Summer 2007

At the Annual Homeowner's meeting June the Clubhouse future was discussed. There was a good debate about how to proceed in improving the clubhouse.

Roughly, it splits down into two groups: One that wants to make improvements and one that wants to do as little as possible.

After a good debate, a positive vote was received to put a floor in the old jacuzzi room to allow future use of the room. A 2nd positive vote was received to paint the main clubhouse room.

A committee was formed to choose colors. Heidi, an interior decorator, volunteered to help chose colors.

The room should be painted this fall.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Old Jacuzzi Room - Right Wall

This shows the right wall in the old jacuzzi room. It also shows the level of the the existing tile floor relative to the jacuzzi lip.

Windows on Riverside of Room - Right Side

This is a photo of the riverside wall - the right half.

Windows on Riverside of Room

This is a photo of the riverside of the room, showing the windows.

Old Jacuzzi Room - Door to Utility Room(Left)

This is a view from the entrance door towards the left corner(riverside).

Old Jacuzzi Room - External Door View

Riverfront Clubhouse - Entrance

This is the walkway to the pool and clubhouse

Riverfront Clubhouse - 2007

This is view of the Riverfront Clubhouse from the driveway.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Survey Results in Excel

This is a spreadshee of the approx.
40 surveys that I received from Dave so far.

If you click on the picture and then blow it up, you can read the results.

Posted Surverys on

I posted the file with the approximately 40 Surveys to an FTP site.

You should have received an e-mail with a link, unless it was blocked by your spam filter.

The pdf file is about 5 Meg, which was rejected by some of e-mail addresses.

As I said in the e-mail, I will try to enter the data into Excel & send out the survey results in Excel format.

Ron Naismith

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Mixed Feedback - Approximately40 surveys back

Saturday, 10-Feb-2007

Dave left photocopies ofthe surveys that came back so far. There is no majority support to spend any money on a project. I will try to scan the 40 responses & send them out, but it doesn't like there is enough support to justify getting quotes for jacuzzi, and may not for exercise equipment.

Some people are open as long as you don't have to spend money. One person thought enclosing the pool was good idea as long as we didn't have to have an assessment!

Even if two thirds of the people were interested it might be worth going forward, but the actual data available today doesn't look promising for spending money for exercise equipment or jacuzzi.

Oh well, we can't be accused of not being open to looking at it.

Vox Populi - The peoples' voice ->Don't spend money .
Ron Naismith

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Jacuzzi and Exercise Equipment have the early lead!

I received an e-mail from Dave Morriarity this morning indicating that of the 23 resposes that have been received so far:

" Jacuzzi and exercise Equipment seem to be leading the pack" - Dave M.

It is good that people are responding quickly. Dave will leave the responses that he has received so far so I can get them this weekend.

At this point, it seems that we are not wasting our time to get quotations for exercise equipment and jacuzzi.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Jacuzzi Room - Measurements

Here is a sketch of the Jacuzzi room with dimensions.

The entrance door is shown in the lower right corner.

The utility room door is the lower left.

The river side is at the top of the sketch

Jacuzzi Room - Photo #4(Left corner)

Here is a photo of the left corner of the jacuzzi room.

You can see the heating/AC ducts in the middle of the room.

The height of the room is 92.5 inches except below the heating duct where the height is 83 inches.

Jacuzzi Room - Photo 3

This is a photo the jacuzzi You can see the stairs in the upper right corner of the photo.

There is a wrap around bench in the jacuzzi that starts after the stairs and continues until the opposite corner(upper left).

The jacuzzi is approximately 4 and half feet deep.

Jacuzzi Room - Photo 2

Here is photo from the corner of the jacuzzi(near utility room door) looking back at right hand wall and entrance.

Jacuzzi Room Photo #1

Here is the first photo of the jacuzzi room.

I took the photo from the door looking in at the right hand side of the room.

The wood siding is in very good condition.

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I have created a Riverfront at Loon Condo Blog to centrally locate information and provide a communication forum for ideas.

This is my personal blog and is not in any way sponsored or endorsed by anyone.